Verifiable Database Architecture

Lagrange's network can be thought as an indexer that looks at a contract's storage and process it into a verifiable database.

Lagrange's network is in essence, re-creating the target blockchain's database (storage, state and blocks) but in a format amenable to run efficient and distributed queries.

More precisely, the ZK Coprocessor is producing for each block a new equivalent version (in blue) of the original storage trie (in red), but which is supporting efficient queries. In the above diagram, we generate a proof that this new database contains the same data as the original red blockchain data structure.

Note: From this section onwards, the explanation is deeply technical and requires knowledge of data structures such as Merkle Patricia Trie.

When a smart contracts asks Lagrange to index its storage (see developer API here), the ZK Coprocessor is responsible for building a verifiable database for the storage trie of the specified smart contract.

For each new block, we have to create and maintain different databases containing only a subset of the blockchain information relevant to the ZK Coprocessor. The database architecture is as follow:

  • Storage Database: A new data structure containing the subset of leaves that the user wants us to index from the contract’s storage trie. We maintain one such database for each user's contract.

  • State Database: A new data structure containing the subset of leaves for the referenced contracts in the state trie. Each leaf/entry of the state database is linked with the corresponding storage database.

  • Block Database: Update an existing data structure linking the above state database to a given block of the chain, and that contains all state databases for blocks previously processed by the ZK Coprocessor.

The following sections go into more details about these different but related databases.

The next subsections are going deeper in the technicals of the storage, state and blocks transformation.

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